The numerology meaning of Gypsy, Wander, explore, freedom.

Destiny /Expression Number 2
The All-Knowing
Heart's Desire Number 5
A Dynamic Force
Personality Number 2
The All-Knowing
Personalized Reading

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The colloquial meaning of the name Gypsy is a person who travels from place to place, often living in poverty. It is sometimes used as a derogatory term for Romani people.

Brief history of the name Gypsy

The name Gypsy is derived from the Greek word for Egyptian, “Aigyptios”. This was used to refer to a group of people who were believed to have originated in Egypt and migrated throughout Europe during the Middle Ages. The term “Gypsy” was first used in England in the 16th century and became widely used throughout Europe by the 19th century. Although there is no single accepted origin story for the Gypsies, it's generally accepted that they're descended from a mixture of various ethnic groups, including the Romani people of India, as well as other European populations.

Learn more about the etymology of the name Gypsy on

Gypsy's Destiny #2

What is a destiny number?

The numerology destiny (expression number) meaning of the number 2 is cooperation, balance, and diplomacy. It's associated with relationships, partnerships, and teamwork. People with a destiny number of 2 are often seen as peacemakers and mediators, and they have a natural ability to bring harmony to any situation. They're also great at problem-solving and can often find solutions that everyone can agree on.

Gypsy also reduces to Master #11

In numerology, the number 11 is a master number that symbolizes spiritual awakening and enlightenment. It's associated with intuition, insight, and vision, as well as the ability to manifest one’s dreams and desires. Those with this number are often seen as pioneers and leaders, inspiring others to reach for greater heights. The number 11 is also associated with creativity, inspiration, and imagination. It can help bring clarity to confusing situations and provide guidance in times of difficulty. People with this number are often seen as highly intuitive and have the ability to tap into their inner power to manifest their goals. They're often very successful in the areas of business, finance, and spirituality.

Gypsy's Desire #5

What is a desire number?

The numerology desire (soul urge / heart's desire number) meaning of 5 is freedom. People with a 5 soul urge are often seeking freedom and adventure. They have a strong need for independence, and they seek to explore new possibilities and experiences. They're often attracted to travel, new cultures, and different ways of life. They're independent thinkers who enjoy taking risks and learning through experience. They're often drawn to the unknown, and they value their freedom to explore and grow.

Gypsy's Personality #2

What is a personality number?

Having the number 2 as your personality number means that you are a sensitive and diplomatic individual who is usually very considerate of others' feelings. You are a natural peacemaker and have excellent people skills. You are also very intuitive and have a strong sense of empathy. You are often seen as an idealist, and you strive to find harmony in all situations.

Notable people named Gypsy

  1. Gypsy Rose Lee (American burlesque entertainer)
  2. Gypsy Blanchard (American murder victim)
  3. Gypsy Moth (British racing yacht)
  4. Gypsy Taub (American political activist)
  5. Gypsy Danger (mecha character from Pacific Rim)
  6. Gypsy Rose Cruz (American singer and songwriter)
  7. Gypsy Kings (Spanish flamenco band)
  8. Gypsy Danger (American professional wrestler)
  9. Gypsy Davey (British folk musician)
  10. Gypsy Wood (British actress)

What can you expect from the Numerologist video report?

The 100% Personalized Video reveals your Life Path, Soul Urge (Desire) and Expression (Destiny) Numbers to show you:

  • The deep desires you might be ignoring (and how you can finally get them)
  • How to stop the struggle and start to live easily and effortlessly
  • Secret talents and hidden strengths (and how to leverage them)
  • Powerful insights into your character and the unique way you relate to others
  • Upcoming challenges and unexplored opportunities that are waiting for you