In numerology, angel numbers are a concept that suggests that certain repeating sequences of numbers are not coincidental, but rather they are a meaningful sign or message from the angels or a higher power, and they carry a specific meaning or message for the person who sees them.
The idea is that when you repeatedly see the same number sequence, the angels are trying to communicate with you, and it's important to pay attention to the message they are trying to convey. By interpreting the meanings of angel numbers, the seer can gain insight, guidance, and inspiration in their lives.
For example, seeing the number 111 is believed to be a sign of spiritual awakening, while 444 is believed to be a sign of protection and guidance. Angel numbers may also have more than one basic number in their sequence. For example, we can also consider repeating sequences like 1010 angel numbers.
Angel numbers are a relatively new concept in numerology, so there's more variation on how people define them. It's commonly believed that an angel number sequence must have three or more digits.
While every numerologist might have different interpretation of the numbers, there is a general agreement that these numbers are powerful and have a special meaning.